Pannon Egyetem
Master in Tourism Management
Pannon Egyetem
Master in Tourism Management is recommended if you…
  • have studied tourism before but would like to get a deeper insight into tourism as a phenomenon as well as an industry;
  • would like to widen your knowledge gained from your previous studies in other academic areas with specific tourism knowledge;
  • see challenge in complex problems and bring different interests into common ground;
  • wish to follow the international pace but without losing sight of the national features;
  • are interested in complex tasks, such as destination management or organisation of the tasks of large scale tourism enterprises;
  • would like to participate in the drafting of successful project development proposals;
  • would like to work in senior management positions in tourism.
Our graduates can be employed by…
  • tourism destination management organisations (DMOs);
  • national tourism management bodies, foreign offices of the Hungarian National Tourist Office;
  • hotels and hotel chains;
  • tour operators, conference organisers;
  • environmental protection organisations, national parks;
  • cultural institutions, festival organisers;
  • sports facilities, organisers of sporting events;
  • research institutes, consultancy firms, tendering businesses;
  • higher educational institutions offering tourism courses.

Furthermore, the obtained knowledge will qualify our graduates to launch and succesfully operate their own businesses.

Classification of the degree certificate
Place of training
Form of financing
State-funded or self-funded
Form of training
Full time
Study duration
4 semesters
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Állami ösztöndíjas, Önköltséges