MTPA has long aimed to foster close and meaningful relationships with educational institutions whose students are the future players in the events sector. To achieve this goal, we established the RaKÉTa program, within which we not only gathered relevant institutions and their programs on an interactive map but also announced a scholarship program for adult education institutions' students.
This endeavor has now reached another significant milestone, as the first cooperation agreement has been established between the Foundation and Budapest University of Economics as an institution of higher education.
Under this collaboration, the parties commit to mobilizing their theoretical and practical knowledge bases, as well as their networks, collectively for common professional objectives. The shared goals include assisting students of the University in gaining practical experience and entering the labor market, jointly advocating for the recruitment of professionals, and mutually leveraging the intellectual capacities of the University and MTPA, channeling them into education and the events sector.
The ceremonial signing of the agreement will take place at the highly successful MTPA MeetUp event on November 29.
What could the roundtable discussion focus on following this event other than the labor market, particularly the work-life balance within it?